For My GBC Family: A Response to Today’s Violence

GBC Family,

As we pray for former President Trump and the United States of America, how should followers of Jesus be processing today’s horrific events? Here are a couple of things I’ve been thinking about:

Political violence as a means to achieve political goals or to pursue a political ideology must be denounced by all Americans, and certainly by all Christians. In 1801, the first peaceful transfer of power in the United States occurred. John Adams, a Federalist, departed from Washington D.C. as Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, began his tenure as President. Our nation is one of strongly divided opinions on a variety of important issues. Still, we have consistently repudiated the use of violence to establish a political party, a political leader, or a political agenda. Regardless of your party affiliation or your voting plans come November, today’s shooting stands against who we are as a country and what we believe as followers of Jesus.

In John 17 – the High Priestly Prayer – Jesus gives thanks to God for the unity of the church. Because the Son is one with the Father and we are united to the Son, we share that unity as brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus says, “they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me” (John 17:22-23). In this moment, Christians can speak with one voice against evil and violence as citizens first of Christ’s kingdom, even as we might passionately disagree on issues in a democracy such as ours in the United States.

Finally, we are reminded today that the church of Jesus Christ has the keys to the kingdom. As IMB President Paul Chitwood so often reminds us, the world’s greatest problem is lostness and every person will own the responsibility of their sin. But the great hope of the world is not a secret to the church. We have been given the answer to lostness. We know firsthand the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. May today be another reminder of the urgency of our mission.

We will worship this Sunday the Sovereign Lord as the body of believers known as Graefenburg Baptist. He reigns. He rules. He is coming soon.

Soli Deo Gloria – For the Glory of God Alone!

Pastor Philip